Chocolate Forum
Chat => General => Topic started by: oldspice on February 11, 2014, 06:49:42 am
I know this law will be difficult to enforce, but really, I think it's high time something was done to make people think twice before they light up with children in the car.
My husband drives a London cab. He is separated from his passengers by a Perspex divider and his passengers are not allowed to light up (by law) to protect his health because his cab is designated as a workplace.
There are several smokers in my base room at work, but they have to go to a smoking shelter several minutes walk away - to protect my health.
If adults' health is protected in the workplace, and the general public's health is protected in places such as pubs and restaurants, shops and cinemas - then why aren't children protected from the smoke of people driving them around??
Passive smoking is dangerous, especially for vulnerable people like children. Cigarette smoke is poison. Why would we allow people to poison their children? Isn't just a form of passive abuse??
I am prepared to be challenged. :)
You wont be challeenged by me... couldn't have said it better myself!