Chocolate Forum
Chat => General => Topic started by: sachishah on May 20, 2013, 10:35:59 am
Which is the best chocolate for father on father's day?
Which is the best chocolate for father on father's day?
Any chocolate that IS NOT available online and HAS NOT been sent from India.
sachishah? More like sachishit!
I really don't understand these messages. If there was a link to some dodgy site I'd get it, but this just seems pointless.
They have an odd sense of humour, some of these trolls.
it depends on your fathers choice and taste . Every one choice are different so not any special chocolates for fathers day
My father likes pasties! Bet you don't sell those.
I think cake is a good ideas to give a father...because every dad likes delicious cake..
I've come to the conclusion that certain posters here simply have lots more free time than I do. That's all there is to it.
Can't the admin look at the ISP or something and see if there's a match?
It's been done before.
I take it nothing worked? Well, I suppose it wouldn't if someone was using a different computer. What about the timing of the posts? I wonder if there's a particular time frame?
This is how we caught Minty out all that time ago.
Who's Minty?
Oh yeah, before your time. We had some incidents with a poster called 'Phyllis' years ago and, due to Loulou matching up log-in times etc., figured out it was a regular poster called Minty, a strange woman who then went through her (pretty much) entire post history and deleted them all. Rather than admit defeat she got all defensive and offended. Aah, great days.
My favourite was when a poster called Homer turned up, starting chatting to Minty and then telling everyone how great he thought she was. A couple of people asked if they knew each other in 'real life', and she said no. Then when the whole Phyllis thing kicked off Lou and Chcoadmin started examining IP addresses, and Minty and Homer had the same one. When this came out she tried to claim she'd borrowed his laptop whilst he was on holiday; when I said I thought that was a bit strange when they'd only met online a month ago, Minty got super-defensive and said she'd known him a lot longer than that (having completely forgotten she'd said she didn't know him). I still wonder whether he was another alter ego, or if he actually existed and she persuaded him to come to the site to praise her (as she did with another member). Either is pretty damn weird!
Wow, those were the days, huh. Now all you have as entertainment is spammers!
And I'm not even going to mention lemoneye and babygirl !!
I've mentioned this before, but my very favourite Lemoneye/Babygal thread was when they decided to share their wonderfully self-important 'pro' photo-shoot with us all. I laughed so damn hard scrolling down the page and seeing them striking all these ridiculous moody trout-pout and duck-face poses in a whole photo-shoot dedicated to how sexy they were... really had to see it to believe how tacky it all was. They REALLY loved themselves those two.
...And then they went and got all homophobic and aggressive on us, which ruined it somewhat. Oh well.
Oh, and I remember 'Homer'... lol.
I was on a computer forum once and there was a female gamer on there, I think her handle was Aneska or something. Anyway, for years, all we had done was discuss games and stuff, all completely innocent. Then, this Aneska decided to put up, er, 'busty' photo's of herself, asking everyone what we thought. She was seriously having a low self esteem period or something! She disappeared after that.
I feel a whole new photo thread coming on. Not. Ahh Minty, those were the days!
I'd love to have seen some of those 'pro photo shoot' photo's of Lemoneye and Babygal. They sounded a riot!
She accused everyone of being jealous of them after that. Someone (can't remember who) replied, 'What are we supposed to be jealous of - the human version of Shrek and Fiona?' I nearly wet myself :D
I wonder if they've gotten used to the smoking ban yet?
Any other funny stories to share?
Just track down the whole 'Smoking Ban' thread... funny, sad, offensive and downright embarrassing.
Fathers's Day always special for all the childrens.I prefer low sugar chocolate for my father on father's day.
Fathers's Day always special for all the childrens.I prefer low sugar chocolate for my father on father's day.
It is not 'always special for all the childrens (sic)'. I don't think the remaining Philpot children would think so. Some children have absent fathers or their fathers have died. Other's don't have a clue WHO their father is (and neither do their mothers).
You don't really mean a word of the drivel you post. The truth is, you get PAID for making pointless comments and then posting a link. Just f***k off for crying out loud.
Gotta wonder why he's even bothering on a forum with about 4 regular posters.
I'm not sure he even cares that it's a teeny tiny forum.
Quiet around here this week, even for our standards.
I looked on here today for first time in ages, reading this reminder of the Minty /Phylis saga has bought back so many memories lol. Hope you are all ok :-)
Wow! One returns! Welcome back!
lol thank you, it was good to see so many names i remember still posting :-) i have spent many hours reading posts lol :-)
Blow ME down Welcome back!
Welcome back lorri! I wish some more old friends would return!
I'm having fun reading some of what i have missed ;D
What, even my posts?
Hi Lorri! :D
Hi Smurfy :) hope your well x