Chocolate Forum

News & FAQ => News => Topic started by: chocadmin on January 04, 2009, 09:16:40 pm

Title: 04/01/2009
Post by: chocadmin on January 04, 2009, 09:16:40 pm
Happy Chocolate New Year!
First some news about changes and updates to the Chocolate review web site. The pages for individual manufacturers now have a link to list all the products in the review they make, the main chocolate listing page now features an automatic random product (rather than a link for one), and on the data/voting pages for individual chocolate products you'll now find listings for cocoa solids and milk solids and (perhaps most importantly) also a listing for products that people love if they voted highly for the product you're viewing.
There's also been a bit of a clear out, so many many new items have been added to the review for you to vote on. A complete list of recent additions can be found at the end of this e-mail.
Please vote on smurfy's Best Choc of 2008 poll (
Proof that all the pleading for their return was worth it, apparently 10 million wispas sold so far (
Will 2009 be a year of more crazy flavours like bacon (
Look out for Nestle's Perfect Break competition ( between now and march
Dreams and Crunchies to go from Cadbury Heroes to be replaced with Bournvilles and (ugh) toffee eclairs (
We're used to Christmas chocolate appearing in September, but now Easter chocolate appears immediately after Christmas ( (many reported seeing chocolate eggs on boxing day!), so will we now see Christmas chocolate from April?!
Title: Re: 04/01/2009
Post by: andy1112 on July 28, 2012, 08:38:49 pm
Can Christmas chocolates be available before September?
Title: Re: 04/01/2009
Post by: GimmeTheSoddingChoc on July 31, 2012, 10:59:50 am
Is this a philosophical question or can anyone play?