Chocolate Forum
Chat => General => Topic started by: netbuddy on December 12, 2008, 11:59:07 am
Echers Angels & Devils.
When I first viewed this the work was presented in its normal orientation, then I found (attachment) piece but it was presented upside down to when I saw the item on TV.
The thing I noticed is that this piece relies on the way it is presented, if you present it upside down, I notice the white angels first and if in the pictures original orientation, I see the Black Devils first.
How about you?
[attachment expired by admin]
Oh dear. I straight away saw bats actually. Cant see angels in either. Is that good or bad?
That's my point, depending on how the image is presented to you will depend on how your eye and brain sees the image.
When I first saw it, I saw a black devil as the image was shown in its original intended orientation, the second time I saw it, a few days later was by accident but viewed from upside down and the first item I saw was the white angel and trying subsequent experiments, I notice that the orientation or the way this image is presented plays a large part in how the viewer responds.
I saw the devils, then I saw the angels! Surreal!
If I hadn't seen the thread title I'd have thought they were bats.
I can just see schoolgirls. Am I looking at it the wrong way round?
Just from your own unique angle ;)
Bats and angels for me.
What has this got to do with lard anyway?
Is that that a Scottish way of saying, 'What this got to do with the price of fish?'
Look at netbuddy's signature, bounty.
I just see bats.
Have you clicked on the pic to enlarge it Lou?
OMG enlarging it made me see a huge snowman with horns. Flaming freaky.
That sounds kinda kinky! ;)
Is that a ice pole (popsicle for our American friends) or are you just pleased to see me, Frosty?
I wonder who that was modelled on.