Chocolate Forum
Chat => Links => Topic started by: chocadmin on June 05, 2008, 11:26:02 pm
Personal fave site of mine - and paulham's I believe: (
Who? Moi?
I've never posted there, me.
Zeddy will have been on there.
That Zeddy is a right plonker.
The guy going on about Roses Kola concentrate being poisonous is hilarious.
you know anywhere to get luxury chocolate that is good.
Why are you posting this in the Links forum?
Perhaps cos he posted it everwhere else.
Look who's been touted on Snackspot.
cos im new to it and i dont really have a scoobie, sorry
Heres a another website that sells chocolate, the checkout a bit odd but it seems to have some good stuff :-)
I tried the stuff at ( and it was utter rubbish!
Sod off, spammer!
you always do that to everyone!
Yes, because I hate free-loading spammers!!!
you always do that to everyone!
Not everyone.
Has anyone tried: (
Not all your own work then?
no,not all my work
Oh and chocolate covered bacon, that's a new 1? Is it one of Heston's? :D
Chocolate on its own - Bacon on its own. 2 beautiful wonderful things in their own right. It has got to be Heston, or an American who thinks they'd go well together. I'm not trying it though. It looks bloody vile.
You mentioned the salt chocolate, Vosges have a few ones with salt in, quite tasty, but my favourite one with condiments lol is the Amalfi Bar, white chocolate, with lemon, and Pink Peppercorns. Damn i'm making myself get a Choc-On, and only chocolate in the house is Reese's, which i dislike, they just don;t get Chocolate the way us English do
I suggest ( :)
These guys have a nice blog and they promised to update it frequently: (
Here's another chocolate site. A new one: (
Maybe a nice addition; Becca Niederkrom from has created an overview page of chocolate related links. See
For the record, I think this site should be among her links as well ;)
Hello everyone!! :)
Hope everything is okay for you.
I wanted to share with you a new kind of chocolate, the healthy kind chocolate, good for your health to eat.
More information via link (
Tell me what you think about it
Thank you
Nice! Mine is my signature. What do you think? ;D