What did everyone have for breakfast today? I had toast and marmite.
Chocolate chip muffins.

two slices of warburtons hot cross bun loaf. Tis delish.
Roxy i am jealous.
Hmmm my favourite breakfast is breakfast muffin with jam.
Funnily enough I had banana on granary toast for the first time - I think it was your recommendation too Loulou! Delicious!
That rocks. Jam on Granary is nice too.
No need to be, loulou, these are only homemade.
Simple but nice. Easy to bake too.
I love muffins - in fact I made some banana ones the other day from a mix I got at Asda. Not bad for 84p.
I'll probably be making a lot more muffins now since I got one of these muffin pans the other day:
takes patience to wait for them to cook though.
I had toast and Marmite too.
Nah, 18 minutes tops.
I would prefer to eat my own toenails than eat marmite.
Both foster fungus growth.
ha ha ha ha ha
If you visit Burton on Trent its enough to put you off eating marmite for life. The town smells of teenagers trainers.
I had an apple and a mullerlight yogurt drink.
I am veyr much liking manderin muller lites
I enjoy muffin
I mean I enjoy muffins
muffin the mule?
I had muffins last night for dinner
I just had curry :)
chicken dopiaza.
I just ate prawn madras.
I had tomato soup for dinner
I had eggy sandwiches, yummy
I'm having mexican hot pizza tonight. That's if the pizza delivery boy gets through the snow.
Did he?
He certainly did and i've ate it.
I had chicken last night.
I had a jacket potatoe with philly and some tuna.
I had a jacket p tonight, nice easy tea.
I had pork and chicken noodles from M&S and a chocolate mousse.
I had pasta with a leek and bacon sauce. Yummy!
And I made it myself.
I had a jacket p tonight, nice easy tea.
And you talk about the great unwashed! EEuuww! Peeing in your jacket.
Personally I can never manage to get it to reach up that far.
I can with an erection.
This morning i had crumpets.Tonight i had salmon.
I can with an erection.
What a wonderful thought.
This morning, I've got Scott's Porage with Blueberry jam
I've just had a bacon sandwich with brown sauce.
Last night I had a jacket potato cooked in the oven, spit open, the insides mashed down and an egg dopped in the well. It was returned to the oven for the egg to set then served with salad. mmmmmmmmmmm.
Tonight we are having chicken, stirfried with peppers, mushrooms, red onions and tomato rice.
Hey, that sounds nice.
It certainly does. Everyone round to Oldspice's for dinner!
old spices dinners sound posh. Tonight we will have chips and something...
This morning i had bacon, eggs and mushrooms.
I had nothing this morning, then ate half a druckers cake at lunch, and now still nothing. Think im off my food.
Porridge again. But it was a bit thick yesterday so I'm putting less/fewer oats in. Then toast and marmalade.
I had toast today. On one slice I had smooth peanut butter, on the other I had low sugar apricot jam.
I had a cornbread muffin for breakfast with a nice cup of tea.
What's cornbread and what a muffin made out of it like?
This morning i had bacon, eggs and mushrooms.
sorry, but I can't believe,loulou,you eat mushroom in the morning. I like all mushrooms, but at morning it's very 'unusual'. Is it your costum only, or someone else does it?
What's cornbread and what a muffin made out of it like?
Cornbread is bread made from cornmeal, here's a recipe so you can see for yourself:
I'd describe it as a savoury rather than sweet muffin and is one of my favourite American comfort foods. 
Baby, it's normal in this country to eat mushrooms with an English Breakfast, sautéed or grilled. We also have them at other times of the day.
Yes that is true and I had mushrooms again this morning in an omelette.
Ooh mushroom omelette is lovely.
Bounty you bring the Thorntons hazelnut cake and i'll make you one of Lou's special mushroom omelettes
It's a deal.
Mushrooms are very nice, but so are peppers.
Mushrooms and peppers find their way into most of the things I cook!
Same here.
How, do they walk?
Yes, out of the fridge on top of the mouldy cheese.
How, do they walk?
Only magic ones.
Yes that is true and I had mushrooms again this morning in an omelette.
great! I like omelettes. I usual eat omelette, also between two pieces of bread, so I can eat it, where and when I want, as afternoon or morning snack. I'have tried never at breakfast, with lait-coffee and honey and biscuits. Tomorrow I will try it, to make my breakfast more different everyday...
This morning I had a bowl of bran flakes and a muller light yogurt drink with that good bacteria in.
Not too sure about the cold omelette sandwich....
Omelettes are full of Sudan 1.
do you carry a bag around like roy off corrie?
Do you have an anorak ;)
Omelettes are full of Sudan 1.
Wrong. Omelettes are full of
I usual eat omelette, also between two pieces of bread, so I can eat it, where and when I want, QUOTE]
Is a cold omelette sandwich very tasty?
maybe I have made a mistake when I said 'I like omelette', because I have would mean frittata and not omelette. The fact is that frittata and omelette are the same word in english, but in italian are different, frittata (see: http://canningusa.com/IfICanYouCan/Frittata.htm
http://www.virtualcities.com/ons/0rec/04fritta.htm )
omelette (see: http://www.greekboston.com/cuisine/eggs/eggs_main.shtml
http://www.globalgourmet.com/food/special/2000/mideastern/om elet.html)
frittata is very good hot and cold, better cold if possible. And it is not a sandwich but a panino, a bread roll, with a good italian bread, not sandwich loaf
(see: http://www.paninocenter.it/Pagine_inglesi/products.htm)
We can see that is very very very different.
I understand now but are you still going to try having an omelette made with eggs for your breakfast.
Omelettes are full of Sudan 1.
Wrong. Omelettes are full of
But if the chickens ate shoo polish, then they would have it, then everyone would have it.
Is it in shoe polish? Why would the chickens be cleaning shoes?
I dont eat breakfast
Well you should as it is the most important meal of the day. Even a banana is better than nothing.
Is it in shoe polish? Why would the chickens be cleaning shoes?
It is in alot of household products, just it shouldnt be used in food.
Don't you have a shoe cleaning chicken? you are missing our young lady.
This morning I had Sultana Bran with a few Cinnamon Grahams mixed in and skimmed milk.
I didnt have breakfast this morning, but i did have a nice lunch.
This morning i had cheese omelette.
I couldnt stomach cheese that early.
It wasn't early .Breakfast was 11am. I had a lie in.
your a lucky lady, breakfast for me this week is 7am :(
I couldn't eat that early in the morning.I would vomit.
I am getting really tickle stomached about eating early morning.
Maybe a yogurt or some fruit would be nicer so early in the morning.
I had fruit and fibre and a muller light yogurt drink.
I had weetabix with warm milk.
Porridge made with water, yummy yummy....now I know how Oliver Twist felt
Its true what they say about porridge and bran flakes. They do make you feel good on the inside.
I like ready brek but some morning it doesn't seem like i've made it properly. When I was in Scotland they offered me salt to put on my porridge.
My porridge made with water didn't make me feel good anywhere at all!
Perhaps it doesn't include oats?
The Bran Flakes are giving me a good feeling, my Happiness loves Kelloggs Bran Flakes.
I had a youghurt this morning, it was okay, but lumpy
I can imagine your yoghurt would be lumpy. I bet it was OK til you peeled of the lid.
I think you're confusing lumpy with limply.
I can imagine your yoghurt would be lumpy. I bet it was OK til you peeled of the lid.
you trying to say something mean?
No not mean, just pulling your leg. I only have to go by what you say. I'm sure you are lovely.
Sorry if I upset you Salsa I didn't mean to.
your okay :) I dont take offence easily.
I had spaghetti hoops on toast this morning, not my usual breakfast but ran out of eggs.
I had spaghetti hoops on toast this morning
Whatever happened to Noodle Doodles?
Is alphabet spaghetti still available?
Is alphabet spaghetti still available?
I think Sainsbury's do their own alphabet spaghetti and numbers too. I don't know if the original brand is still going though, I haven't seen it. All the shapes are things like Barbie and Tellytubbies now. Nothing grown-up (ahem) like the alphabet. 
I don't think i could enjoy tellytubbies or barbie spaghetti shapes. Magic roundabout ones could be good though if they make them.
Magic roundabout ones could be good though if they make them.
Cool idea, I'd buy them.
I had spaghetti hoops on toast this morning
Whatever happened to Noodle Doodles?
I remember these. All different shapes wasn't it? I remember there being a ladder.
I liked Haunted House.
Heinz Spagetti Hoops with Little Hot Dogs in Bacon Sauce. Mmmm
the little hotdogs scare me, they look like childrens toes.
Ewww, I shall never eat them again! (Little hotdogs I mean)
sorry, I ruined it for you :(
I wasn't allowed any breakfast this morning as I had to have a fasting blood test. I could not even have a hot drink and I had to go to work in the snow with nothing inside me until 11.00am when I got back to my office with a very sore arm. The nurse took THREE tubes of blood from me!
awww,you okay hon?
Fine thanks but my arm aches like hell this morning.
thats okay then :)
This morning I had two jammy muffins from maccys
Bacon, black pudding and haggis for me. With a cup of coffee.
your dirty
I've never tasted haggis paulham.what is it like?
A good one is kinda spicey. Not a dissimilar texture to black pudding, but slightly rougher due to the amount of oatmeal in it.
I will have to try some.
your brave.
In the aussie bar last week they had roo and crocadillian on the menu :O
I wouldn't bother Loulou - to me it tastes sort of like porridge with onion in it - not pleasant.
ewww, thats worse than innards :(
It is innards
I had Sultana Bran and Mullerlight Yogurt Drink
I wouldn't bother Loulou - to me it tastes sort of like porridge with onion in it - not pleasant.
Nothing like a closed mind.
Try for yourself Lou.
Well I did say, "To me." But you're right, we should all try things for ourselves.
Today i had Malt Loaf for breakfast. I just didn't fancy toast or cereal.
It is innards
What I meant was the taste of porridge and onion is mingin, more mingin than the taste of innards
Today i had Malt Loaf for breakfast. I just didn't fancy toast or cereal.
If you like that you should try Warburtons Hot Cross Bun loaf toaste, its lushness.
Well I did say, "To me." But you're right, we should all try things for ourselves.
Sorry for snapping.
Just for the record, there are two sorts of Haggis:
Long-tailed Haggis, which is found in the east between Dundee and Aberdeen with an isolated population on the Black Isle and
Short-tailed Haggis, which is more common and is found from Fort William to Ulapool. There is a variety that is only found on the the Outer Hebrides, but most authorities consider this the same species.
In 1954 there was a failed reintroduction of the Short-tailed form in Ayrshire, where it had been hunted to extinction, the last one trapped in 1949. Since then there have been scant sightings with one photgraphed at Ecclefeccan in 1973 and another as recently as 1992 just on the outskirts of paisley, but it can be considered effectively extinct south of Loch Lomond.
Opinion is divided on which is the best eater of the two forms. The rather retiring Long-tailed has a rather earthy taste and some say it is best hunted by moonlight, although this was outlawed in all but the Moray Firth since 1990.
The Short-tailed is the one most normally exported to England is sweeter and has a rather rougher texture.
Sensible harvesting has meant the populations of both species have been sustainable since the introduction of a close season in 1968 and there is evidence of an expansion of the Long-tailed Haggis with a sighting of one near Sutherland last year (Haggis monthly Vol 96. 11)
For more information see:
Well I did say, "To me." But you're right, we should all try things for ourselves.
Sorry for snapping.
You are forgiven!
And you did have a point.
Does haggis have barley in because I can't eat that.
I would check the label in the shop, because i bet they are all made slightly differently.
Does haggis have barley in
I guess it depends on what you feed them on 
My friend in America thought a haggis was an animal similar to a quinea pig.
A quinea pig???
I have no idea what goes through her mind.
For breaklfast today I had................................... a double decker.
My friend in America thought a haggis was an animal similar to a quinea pig.
I used to think it was an animal of some kind 
For breaklfast today I had................................... a double decker.

That should keep the sugar levels up nicely!
My friend in America thought a haggis was an animal similar to a quinea pig.
Kind of like a Hamish? (Bagpuss fans will understand this one)
I love Bagpuss, I wish i was that little girl.
My friend in America thought a haggis was an animal similar to a quinea pig.
I used to think it was an animal of some kind 
Not wishing to be cruel.................oh, go on then................with your turtle/tortoise confusion, I am not surprised!
Was the little girl in Bagpuss called Emily?
Yes, and a Haggis is a furry animal. It is it is.
I reckon its a type of rabbit.
Well I have learnt something today
Me too. What I always thought was guinea pig is evidently quinea pig!

It could be a guinea pig crossed with something..