Someone mentioned in another thread about new flakes, So I thought about starting a thread instead of continuing in the rolo one.
So who reckons they can guess what they will be?
For me its
and that sprinkly one out of the flake selection
CDM with Flake and Caramel
CDM with Flake and Biscuit
CDM with Flake and Orange bits
CDM with Flake and Mint bits
CDM with Flake and Bubbly
CDM with Flake and Crispies
Does someone at Cadbury think it is funny to deposit the contents of their dysentry-ridden bowel into the mixing bowl to make ?
I would like Flake-covered turkish delight. I would love flake with some sort of fondant cream like cherry or lemon in the middle or a cream-egg type filling - or a mint cream filling. I would also love Flake with a firm but not hard caramel filling.
I would love dark Flake and mint Flake and Orange Flake. But.....
(sorry lou and goldencup).......... NO NUTS!!!!!!
Flakes can be dipped, but I'm not so sure they could enclose a runny center, that's kinda against their nature, innit?
Anyway I think salsa nailed it back in the coffee creams thread, cappuchino/latte/macchiato, that's the next flake I see coming.
Coffee doesn't sell.
Count the number of coffee choc products on sale.
there's a already a dark chocolate flake (flake noir) in australia, but i would be up for one in the uk market, too.
my vote definitely goes for mint, orange, perhaps a flake snow w/ irish cream flavoring, some kind of turkish delight infusion, and then a coconut-flavoring...
(sorry lou and goldencup).......... NO NUTS!!!!!!
I'm with Paulham on the nuts! (I do like praline though)
ewww eewwww ewwwww
Dont ruin my flake :(
I hate praline, and that almost ruined it for me.
Flakes can be dipped, but I'm not so sure they could enclose a runny center, that's kinda against their nature, innit?
Why not, they could be totally covered in chocolate to stop the
caramel running out. If we can have a Caramel Aero we can have a
Caramel Flake too.
im a believer that for chunks to work, they have to be big. flakes arent big enough for chunks :(
I just did :D
It was mean't to be amusing.