What is your favourite type of apple?
Well funny you should ask. I bought some called pink lady today but I had to peel the skin off because it was quite tough. I quite like those apples called cox's pippins. They are the ones that you can shake and hear the pips inside. When I was young I called them the rattly apples.
I only like Pink Ladies if they are from Australia. Most of the others are virtually tasteless.
I think all apples have gone down hill in recent years. The skins are too tough and the inside is sometimes spongey. I like Granny Smiths and Discoveries.
Golden Delicious or Royal Gala.
To be honest I prefer a juicy pear. (note the spelling please)
Yes, you can't beat a nice William's pear.
I just had one. Lovely!
MAC! I can;t stand the record company
I had a lecturer at college who was fond of saying the people behind Golden Delicious should be prosecuted under the Trade Descriptions Act, as they were neither.
I like golden delicious, or a nice pink lady. But has been said before it needs to be an australian one.
And Golden Delicious have to be South African, IMHO.
English discovery. When i travelled in New Zealand i loved Braeburns, and have them when it's not discovery season! But I'm going through a phase of trying to buy British produce when it's in season. I didn't know cox pippins rattled - i'll try that next time. Today i bought some (english) victoria plums - yum yum
I bought some plums yesterday. I was going to buy peaches but I think they were very expensive at £1.99 for 4 .
I like rustics
Do you mean Russets Bounty?
I have thousands of Victoria plums in my garden just now. My plum tree is absolutely laden this year.
You are assuming he was talking about apples, Oldspice. He probably is on another topic completely.
I like rustics
I have heard of a rustic loaf of bread but not an apple.
Rustic bread is lovely. Theres one called "Grand Rustica".
Maybe Bounty meant that type of people.
I used to have a rustic fence....
Yes, you can get them, here is a recipe using rustic apples.
That is a recipe using granny smiths or pippins . No rustic apples there. That's just the name of the tart.
bounty you are daft at times.
bounty you are daft at times.
'At times'?