Chocolate Forum

Chat => General => Topic started by: kevvosa on September 02, 2006, 12:25:53 am

Title: Apples
Post by: kevvosa on September 02, 2006, 12:25:53 am
What is your favourite type of apple? 
Title: Apples
Post by: loulou on September 02, 2006, 12:48:07 am
Well funny you should ask. I bought some called pink lady today but I had to peel the skin off because it was quite tough. I quite like those apples called cox's pippins. They are the ones that you can shake and hear the pips inside. When I was young I called them the rattly apples.
Title: Apples
Post by: goldencup on September 02, 2006, 01:47:14 am
I only like Pink Ladies if they are from Australia.  Most of the others are virtually tasteless.
Title: Apples
Post by: oldspice on September 02, 2006, 09:19:32 am
I think all apples have gone down hill in recent years. The skins are too tough and the inside is sometimes spongey. I like Granny Smiths and Discoveries.
Title: Apples
Post by: on September 02, 2006, 12:19:01 pm
Golden Delicious or Royal Gala.
Title: Apples
Post by: on September 02, 2006, 12:20:22 pm
To be honest I prefer a juicy pear. (note the spelling please)
Title: Apples
Post by: oldspice on September 02, 2006, 01:09:09 pm
Yes, you can't beat a nice William's pear.
Title: Apples
Post by: on September 02, 2006, 01:09:47 pm
I just had one. Lovely!
Title: Apples
Post by: Forth Bridges on September 02, 2006, 01:55:49 pm
MAC! I can;t stand the record company
Title: Apples
Post by: smurfboy on September 02, 2006, 02:39:40 pm


I had a lecturer at college who was fond of saying the people behind Golden Delicious should be prosecuted under the Trade Descriptions Act, as they were neither.

Title: Apples
Post by: salsa on September 02, 2006, 02:42:38 pm

I like golden delicious, or a nice pink lady. But has been said before it needs to be an australian one.


Title: Apples
Post by: goldencup on September 02, 2006, 03:45:55 pm
And Golden Delicious have to be South African, IMHO.
Title: Apples
Post by: bethypoos on September 02, 2006, 09:38:25 pm
English discovery. When i travelled in New Zealand i loved Braeburns, and have them when it's not discovery season! But I'm going through a phase of trying to buy British produce when it's in season. I didn't know cox pippins rattled - i'll try that next time. Today i bought some (english) victoria plums - yum yum
Title: Apples
Post by: loulou on September 02, 2006, 11:12:10 pm
I bought some plums yesterday. I was going to buy peaches but I think they were very expensive at £1.99 for 4 .
Title: Apples
Post by: on September 03, 2006, 09:51:02 am
I like rustics
Title: Apples
Post by: oldspice on September 03, 2006, 10:03:18 am

Do you mean Russets Bounty?

I have thousands of Victoria plums in my garden just now. My plum tree is absolutely laden this year. 

Title: Apples
Post by: on September 03, 2006, 10:16:03 am
You are assuming he was talking about apples, Oldspice. He probably is on another topic completely.
Title: Apples
Post by: oldspice on September 03, 2006, 10:19:20 am
Title: Apples
Post by: loulou on September 03, 2006, 05:15:35 pm

Quote from: bounty hunter
I like rustics

I have heard of a rustic loaf of bread but not an apple.

Title: Apples
Post by: kevvosa on September 03, 2006, 06:25:21 pm
Rustic bread is lovely. Theres one called "Grand Rustica".
Title: Apples
Post by: on September 03, 2006, 06:26:59 pm
Maybe Bounty meant that type of people.
Title: Apples
Post by: goldencup on September 03, 2006, 08:40:10 pm
I used to have a rustic fence....
Title: Apples
Post by: on September 03, 2006, 08:45:15 pm

Yes, you can get them, here is a recipe using rustic apples.

Title: Apples
Post by: loulou on September 03, 2006, 08:50:28 pm
That is a recipe using granny smiths or pippins . No rustic apples there. That's just the name of the tart.
Title: Apples
Post by: on September 03, 2006, 08:52:36 pm
Title: Apples
Post by: loulou on September 03, 2006, 08:53:21 pm
bounty you are daft at times.
Title: Apples
Post by: on September 03, 2006, 08:57:33 pm
Title: Apples
Post by: smurfboy on September 04, 2006, 12:12:28 pm

Quote from: loulou
bounty you are daft at times.

'At times'?