they ran out of kit kat ideas for a week or two before coming up with a honeycomb edition, fresh out in Australia

we have cruncher - UK, much better
I need to know more about this bar. Is it honeycomb AND wafer or honeycomb wafer?
Sounds too crunchy to me. Honeycomb and wafer would do my teeth in. Set them on edge.
too crunchy for me too
I like the sound of this!
Not for me, I don't like crunchies, but I do like the mini ones in the Heroes.
Sounds nice

Hmmmmmmm, polarisation.
Any more views?
I'd give it a go!
Me too! Now what about this Kit Kat?
Sound of food "as important as taste" |
The sound of food can be as important as its taste, according to new research.
Malcolm Povey, professor of food physics at the University of Leeds, analysed which foods produced the most ultrasound, arguing that crispiness could be a major factor in what foods we prefer.
His team discovered that Jazz apples produced far more ultrasound than biscuits or thick-cut crisps, providing the best "enjoyment of biting" of any food tested.
"When it comes to the pleasure of eating, sound is as important as colour and taste but how our brain interprets this information is not yet understood," said Professor Povey.
"When you munch a Jazz apple you are in fact creating massive peaks of ultrasound in your head that we experience as a vibration sensation.
"Ultrasound is sound that is beyond the range of normal human hearing. Intriguingly, our brains automatically cut out the ultrasound when munching so as not to make ourselves deaf."
The study was commissioned by Worldwide Fruit, and conducted at the Food Centre of Industrial Collaboration, funded by Yorkshire Forward.
Not for some people on here then.
I want one.
Yes. If only to see what it actually is like.
Sometimes you don't need to.
Are you a member of the flat Earth society?
Are you trying to suggest the earth isn't flat? 
also just out in australia, Kit Kat Cookie Dough

I never could see the attraction in eating cookie dough. It's a peculiar American habit.
The cookie dough Ben and Jerry's is delicious though

cookie dough is quite popular here in America. I don't find it to be too attractive either though
Hi Yankee. I'm sorry, my comment might have appeared rude to an American! Glad you agree that it's unappealing though.
I've never eaten cookie dough but my friend is addicted to it.
Why not just eat cookies? Cooked ones?
I wonder if it's bad to eat the cookie dough uncooked.
Why not just eat cookies? Cooked ones?
They have a different texture. Have you never tried Ben and Jerry's cookie dough?
I wonder if it's bad to eat the cookie dough uncooked.
It is for the cookie dough. Mind you, so is eating it cooked!
It's not like eating raw cake mixture which can definitely be bad for you - I know someone who got food poisoning from it.
That may have been from the eggs - they'd be raw.
I'm sure I read that in America they have developed a cookie dough mixture that doesn't need eggs, so is safe to eat.
3 more Japanese variations are due out this month

Can anyone translate the flavours?
Dark, White and Berry?
Is it not a hazelnut or horse chestnut variety on the right?
Could be. Did you know "kitto katsu" is an expression used by Japanese students to wish each other luck before exams.
No. Thank you.
What about the Kitkat Klub?
They'll be more KitKat varieties than people in Japan soon.
They like variety - good on them.
I like the look of the cookie dough kitkat. Are they coming to us?
I doubt it - Nestle are cutting down on the different varieties in the UK.
pumpkin kit kat in japan now for halloween
pumpkin kit kat in japan now for halloween
Seriously? Explain more.
If only I could read Japanese

Come to think of it, I have a recipe for Pumpkin Pie, and it's a sweet dish, so it's not that surprising that pumpkin could be used in a Kitkat.
Pumpkin pie is nice.
Pumkin can be in savoury dishes too like soup. I sometimes roast it and serve it with sausages casserole.
OMG i really luv the cookie dough kitkat... not a big fan of honeycomb however........

IMHO, there is only once place for cookie dough - in the oven being made into cookies.