Yes, me! I thought I would ask this question as I have discovered that my favourite is almonds.
Whilst in Spain recently I tried again their treat of coating them in sugar. Not sugared like in the UK but a spun sugar applied hot to them then allowed to cool.
Absolutely delicious and very, very moreish.
So what is your favourite variety of nut and on its own or coated?
Have you tried the cadbury whole almond bar? It's like wholenut but with almond instead of hazelnut (obviously) it is yummeroony.. I have only ever seen it in the pound shop or on the market two 100g bars for £1.00.
Much nicer than wholenut and once you start munching it you can't stop til the bar is finished!
I like nutsters in Salt and Vinegar- they are peanuts coated in a hard puffy shell, great with raspberry beer. Nobby's nuts are nice too, especially the bacon ones! Basically find a way of turning something healthy bad and i will love it!
I LOVe raspberry beer!!
Never had that, sounds lovely. Any idea where you can buy it?
Sainsbury's sells it and the Cherry one too. If you ever come to Norwich, visit the Belgian Monk pub, has the best beers! And good food too!
In a bizarre coincidence, one of my guests brought both a raspberry and a cherry beer with them on Saturday! I think the cherry was my favourite.
In Malta we had Smurf flavour ice cream!
What are the nuts in CDM Whole Nut?
In Malta we had Smurf flavour ice cream!
What flavour is a Smurf?
What are the nuts in CDM Whole Nut?
Quote from: Cherry_RipeIn Malta we had Smurf flavour ice cream!
What flavour is a Smurf?
It was blue and tasted sweet. I guess it tasted like those Haribo Smurfs do!