Chocolate Forum

General Category => Old Products => Topic started by: chocolatecollector on October 12, 2005, 10:56:16 pm

Title: vintage chocolate collection
Post by: chocolatecollector on October 12, 2005, 10:56:16 pm

I have quite a large collection of vintage chocolate wrappers,
dummy displays and shop advertising from the late victorian
through to the end of the 30's and i am in the process of
creating a website and i will post the link once it is live.
The website will have quite a selection of pics of items within
my collection. Does anyone else on this forum have a
collection similiar?
Title: vintage chocolate collection
Post by: loulou on October 12, 2005, 11:47:20 pm

choc chick has lots of wrappers.

Title: vintage chocolate collection
Post by: oldspice on October 13, 2005, 07:56:24 am
This sounds fantastic. Can't wait to see your website. Have you got anything from 1950s/60s/70s?
Title: vintage chocolate collection
Post by: kevvosa on October 13, 2005, 09:49:53 am
Should be interesting! 
Title: vintage chocolate collection
Post by: chocolate chick on October 13, 2005, 10:25:41 am
I have got lots of wrappers but I have not made a website for them.

Muggy has a collection of limited edition wrappers and packaging.

Title: vintage chocolate collection
Post by: chocolatecollector on October 13, 2005, 09:35:33 pm
I did have 50's and 60's items but the collection was getting too
big, most of this collection is now of 30's items. From this period
I have frys crunchie, kit kat, maltesers, milky way, tiffin, smokers
chocolate, ovaltine chocolate, smarties etc. I have been
collecting fifteen years but there is still lots of items I am still
looking for. There are a handful of collectors throughout the UK
who collect this sort of stuff, i came across it by accident really.
Title: vintage chocolate collection
Post by: oldspice on October 13, 2005, 09:43:28 pm
Ovaltine chocolate. Oh boy how fab. i remember those from the 1970s. Is there a website with 50s/60s and 70s wrappers on?
Title: vintage chocolate collection
Post by: chocolatecollector on October 13, 2005, 09:47:26 pm
I don't think their is a website although you can buy the 50s/60/
s and70s Scrapbooks by Robert Opie (should be on Amazon).
These usually have a page on choc wrappers and are great
nostalgia books for those decades
Title: vintage chocolate collection
Post by: goldencup on October 13, 2005, 11:15:22 pm
Ovaltine chocolate!  Sigh......
Title: vintage chocolate collection
Post by: chocolate chick on October 14, 2005, 04:56:10 pm
I have no idea if they are in any way simialr but cybercandy stock an Ovaltine bar of chocolate. From Australia I think.